Skin Chemical Peels -Starting at $80 -Toronto Ontario

Chemical peeling treatments in Toronto for; hyperpigmentation, sun damage, scarring, pore size, acne, skin tone and texture, both men and women of all ages. Redness is the exception; chemical peels at our clinic in Toronto Ontario, will not do anything for broken capillaries or general skin redness.

Let's get one piece of misinformation cleared up right away! "Chemical peel products thin the skin." This is INCORRECT!
Because chemical peels cause damage to the skin, its natural defense is to build a perfectly healthy, NEW skin. The outcome is a thicker, stronger dermis with a series of our best chemical peeling treatments. Best results achieved with a series of 4-6 chemical peel treatments, spaced 2-4 weeks apart.

JESSNER PEEL  (30 to 45 minutes)
The Jessner's peel at our location in Toronto, Ontario, Canada is specifically formulated to assist in the clearing and prevention of acne and general skin congestion (blackheads, whiteheads, comedones) using 14% strength solution.
Face Chemical Jessner Peel $200
Neck Chemical Jessner Peel $95
Hands Chemical Jessner Peel $80
Chest Chemical Jessner Peel $quote
Upper Back Chemical Jessner Peel $quote
Full Back Chemical Jessner Peel $quote

Best Jessner peel Toronto

GLYCOLIC ACID PEELS  (30 to 45 minutes)
Light to medium strengths available (10-30%) from glycolic acid peels near me in Toronto Ontario. Most effective on; fine lines, wrinkles, hyperpigmentation from sun damage, scarring. Start with a light peel and work your way up to a more aggressive treatment with multiple appointments as your skin builds a tolerance to the glycolic acid peel.
Face Chemical Glycolic Peel $200
Neck Chemical Glycolic Peel $95
Hands Chemical Glycolic Peel $80
Chest Chemical Glycolic Peel $quote
Upper Back Chemical Glycolic Peel $quote
Full Back Chemical Glycolic Peel $quote

TCA PEELS  (30 to 45 minutes)
Light to medium strength peel treatments (10-20%). Reveals fresh, smooth, glowing skin with moderate downtime of shedding or peeling. The best TCA peel assists in clearing acne due to its anti-bacterial properties. Fine lines and wrinkles are reduced, and uneven/blotchy skin is improved. This is a more aggressive chemical peel treatment and is best suited for those who have tolerated acids in prior treatments.
Face Chemical TCA Peel $200
Neck Chemical TCA Peel $95
Hands Chemical TCA Peel $80
Chest Chemical TCA Peel $quote
Upper Back Chemical TCA Peel $quote
Full Back Chemical TCA Peel $quote

TCA chemical peel Toronto

Chemical Peeling Advantages and Disadvantages


  • Rejuvenates uneven skin tone. Blotchy skin, melisma and hyper-pigmentation can create an uneven skin tone and add years to your look. 
  • Removes signs of photo-aging/brown spots. Exposure to UV rays is the leading cause of fine lines and wrinkles as well. Chemical peels remove the layer of skin that is affected by sun damage to leave behind a fresh and smooth layer of new skin.
  • Acne management.. Lighter peels such as Jessner’s Peels are more appropriate for sensitive and acne-prone skin, and can help clear up inflammation and reduce the appearance of dark acne scars after a few months of treatment.
  • Lightening of the skin. Sun damage, poor diet, stress or even a lack of rest can leave you with a dull and ruddy complexion.
  • Fast and simple procedures. The process of applying the chemical peel solution rarely takes longer than 15-20 minutes. You can be in and out of your skin care professional’s office within an hour.
  • Stimulates collagen growth. Chemical peels stimulate collagen production by creating a “wound”. Because collagen is a building block of skin tissue, it helps skin feel firm and reduces laxity. Additional collagen also means fewer lines and wrinkles!

Possible Disadvantages:

  • Redness, scabbing and swelling. Normal healing from a chemical peel involves redness of the treated skin. This usually resolves within a week or two, but residual redness can last for many weeks, even months
  • Scarring. Rarely, a chemical peel can cause scarring — typically on the lower part of the face. 
  • Changes in skin color. Hyperpigmentation or hypopigmentation can both be results post-peel. Every measure possible should be taken post-treatment to avoid overheating as well as exposure to sun.
  • Infection. This is very rare but can be a result of a peel that has penetrated deeply and not allowed to heal without any interference.
  • Heart, kidney or liver damage. Toxins are regulated and dismissed from the body via organ "filters". If your kidneys and liver are taxed due to weakness or illness, there can be extra strain on them as they try to process and eliminate ingredients from chemical peels.
  • Depending on the level of pigment in your skin, you may not be a candidate


Chemical Peel Recovery Time
Little downtime. When compared to other ablative services, chemical peels require little downtime for really great results. It varies from zero to 7 days for a light peel to 14 days for a deep peel. And downtime basically means peeling/shedding skin.

  • For 3 days following a peel, it is recommended to avoid any heat related activities
  • Normal activities can be resumed after 72 hours, with the exception of sun exposure
  • Sun and tanning beds should be avoided for 3-4 weeks following any peel treatments.


Skin Chemical Peels -Toronto Ontario

Beauty Tree Canada, (Toronto, Ontario) was born from Terese Hatter’s pure passion for helping people re-gain their confidence. Terese was introduced to the Beauty Industry 30 years ago at age 20, and has since dedicated her time to develop a wide range of skills and expertise as a medically licensed esthetician in Toronto, Ontario. Her specialty services include: skin assessment/consultation, chemical peels near me in Toronto, Jessner peels, natural vegan facials, hydrating facials, chemical and natural enzyme peels for anti-aging and acne, blackhead and milia removal, eyebrow artistry, microdermabrasion, micro channeling and micro needling.

Contact Terese Hatter
Text: +1 (416) 576-6875 to book a consultation.