What are milia?
Milia, otherwise known as pearl acne or just plain old "white bumps" are a collection of skin cells that are keratinizing (becoming hard). These cells become sticky in nature, causing more and more cells in the same state to bind together, and as a result, a small white/off white/yellow-ish little "ball"/"cyst" is formed under the skin. These pesky bumps have no pore, and therefore must be removed with the help of a lancet/sterile needle, laser treatment, cauterization (burning) or excision.
At Beauty Tree Canada, the lancet method is used as it is least likely to leave any mark behind. Each extraction can take a few seconds up to a minute or more, depending on the size and location of the milia. Once removed, the evidence left behind is a small red spot that can take 2 to 10 days to heal and disappear.
A Deep Pore Cleansing Facial ($160) includes the removal of up to 4 milia. If milia are present in the orbital (eye) area, a Medical Grade Facial with a quote is required. 5 milia removal are included with a Medical Grade Facial (from $200. If milia to be removed are in the orbital (eye) area, a quote will be required.)
Please see the Organic Facials page on the website for a more detailed description.
If you have an abundance of milia removal near me in Toronto, please request a consultation/quote.
This situation may require more than one visit to resolve.
What are whiteheads?
Whiteheads are small, white, raised bumps on the skin. They form when oils and skin cells and bacteria collect in the pores. A whitehead appears as a small pimple with a tiny white "head", but the area around will not be very inflamed or red.
What are blackheads?
This may surprise you, but "blackheads" are actually a "comedone" (oil plug), which has been exposed to oxygen. As a result, oxidation occurs and the tip of the comedone turns black, thus the name "blackhead".
Comedones can also be brown, green, orange/peach, yellow, white in colour, or clear.
At Beauty Tree, we do not believe in damaging skin with harsh metal tools. Blackhead removal is done with fingers wrapped in gauze, sometimes assisted by use of a lancet (sterile needle) or fine tipped tweezers
Tools may be used in the case of blackhead removal in the ears. (Yes! We check your ears with your organic facial appointment).
This can be a little uncomfortable. A very gentle technique is used to make the process as easily tolerable as possible.

About the Author
Beauty Tree Canada, (Toronto, Ontario) was born from Terese Hatter’s pure passion for helping people re-gain their confidence. Terese was introduced to the Beauty Industry 30 years ago at age 20, and has since dedicated her time to develop a wide range of skills and expertise as a medically licensed esthetician in Toronto, Ontario. Her specialty services include: skin assessment/consultation, Eminence organic facials, milia removal in Toronto, chemical and organic enzyme peels for anti-aging and acne, blackhead and milia removal, eyebrow artistry, microdermabrasion and microchanneling/needling.
Contact Terese Hatter
Email: info@beautytree.ca
Text: +1 (416) 576-6875 to book a consultation.